Saturday, January 25, 2020

Preamble of Indian Constitution in Mising (Miri) langauge

This translation of Preamble to the Indian Constitution is done on the request of Mising students from central government-run educational institutions  where students were appealed to read the Preamble in Indian languages (both scheduled and non-scheduled) on the occasion of India's Republic Day, 2020.
Ngolu Bharotsok Taniyé Bharotsém Sarbobhoumo, Gonotantirk Gongrajyo kísapé ba:lenge:la sok appíng midumém moya:sunam légangé kébankísapé ru:ségém séktung.
Niyay, réngam, murkéng odokké rajnoitik,
Aísua- mé:nam, lusarla:nam, mé:tin, yelam mé:tin éla kumnam.
Akam- ménggénam éla pa:pénam takamlo ru:lígnam.
Bírr:ap mé:sunam- atég ménggénam éla Mo:rum akamnam légangé iyérung émnam.
Appí:dém silo ngolu Runggo molenné kébangé Nobembor Po:lok 6-11-1949 longéso  toríksudung odokké aíém bisudung.

Courtesy: Dr. Rajiv Mili/ Mising Agom Kébang (MAK)

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